There’s just something about eating your popcorn out of a bucket that makes it taste that much better. Disney has had some pretty amazing popcorn buckets throughout the years. Let’s check some out, shall we?
Image Credit: Instagram - 2MagicalPixies
Image Credit: Instagram tdrexplorer
Because designs are sold for a limited time, they are a popular item to collect. I found popcorn buckets on eBay listed for hundreds and even thousands of dollars! Currently, the buckets range in price from $10 to $20 in parks. This may seem like a lot to pay for popcorn, but fans would argue that it’s a great shareable snack. Once you have a bucket, it may be refilled at any other station throughout the parks for only $2. And there are so many flavors of popcorn to try, from classic buttered popcorn to flavors like maple bacon, sriracha, butter toffee almond, dill pickle, buffalo ranch, and churro!
We thought it would be fun to create a couple of our own popcorn buckets to use at home. I purchased these red buckets from Lowes and let the kids add stickers to customize them.

Admittedly, this was a fast and easy craft for my big kids.

But they still had fun creating their designs.

Of course, eating the popcorn was the best part!

We think they're perfect for your next Disney movie night.