After last week's kid's activities centered around Disney movies, I had some requests for some more educational content (thank you for sharing your ideas and requests!) This week, I will be offering free lesson plans with Disney themes for elementary grades.
I thought I'd start with the number one grossing animated movie of all time: Frozen 2? When the Corona Virus hit and everyone was homebound, Disney added it to their Disney+ platform early. (YAY! THANK YOU DISNEY!)
Frozen lends itself easily to a quick lesson on the states of matter. First, help your kids "find out what happens to solid water when it gets warm." Use an ice cube to show when liquid water is frozen, it becomes solid ice. Put the ice in a pot or the microwave to demonstrate when you add energy (heat) to solid ice, it turns back into water. Add even more heat energy and the liquid water turns into a gas in the form of steam.

I noticed (particularly in Frozen 2) there are many types of solids, liquids, and gasses shown in the movie. For today's lesson, print the Olaf's State of Matter Hunt sorting chart, and write down examples of the three states of matter under each category. When you're done, cut out the pictures and sort them too. Did you miss any? Did you find some that I didn't? I've also included an answer key, as I included some tricky ones. ;)