In celebration of Onward coming to Disney+, I thought I'd share this fun activity that will help you set up a scavenger hunt-style quest of your own.

Just print the cards in color or black and white, then set up your scavenger hunt.
Make sure you place the cards in the location previous to the destination listed on the card, as the card will tell the quest-goers where to go next. It can get a little confusing, so I've listed the locations corresponding to card numbers in hopes this might help.
Card 1 - Give directly to the Quest-Goer(s)
Card 2 - Bath or Shower
Card 3 - Inside a Shoe
Card 4 - Where you store pans
Card 5 - Taped to a mirror
Card 6 - Inside a favorite book
Card 7 - Near where you keep your broom
Card 8 - Near the toothpaste
Card 9 - Near the television
Card 10 - Under the Quest-Goer's pillow
Card 11 - Kitchen drawer
Card 12 - Quest-Goer's sock drawer
Card 13 - Refrigerator
The Gem - Outside your front door
Depending on where and how well you hide the clues and how much climbing and digging around you want to deal with, there is room to adjust how challenging this quest can be. The clues are generic enough that they'll work for all types of homes (house, apartment, etc.) and include locations that everyone has in their home. For the final treasure, place plastic gems, or one that you've created. If you care to make your own gem, I really like this tutorial.