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It's Okay to Wear Your Dinner (Or Disney Snack)


Disney treats are all the rage in the parks right now (well, the treats themselves are ALWAYS popular), but other items shaped like famous park treats are particularly popular. Just check out, where you can score all kinds of goodies.

Can you think a more perfect backpack to take to the parks?

Don't mind me. I'll just be dreaming of Disney snacks by the pool while napping on this cupcake beach towel.

Even the newest Wishables are snack themed.

Have I mentioned I love me a Dole Whip? The only thing that would make this pineapple swirl cooling fan more perfect was if it gently wafted the smell of Dole Whip into my drooling face... I guess you could say I'm FAN of Dole Whips!

This mickey premium bar chew toy is almost cute enough for me to want a puppy to buy it for...almost.

Instead, I think I’ll stick to to pin trading.

And lastly, with this tumbler, you can wash down your favorite Disney snacks in fashion!



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