Like the most of the rest of the country, Covid-19 has our kids home from school, and the whole family bunkering down. Keeping the kids active and engaged can be challenging at any time, but in these special circumstances, cabin fever is setting in even more quickly than normal.
Not to worry friends, I have a plan to keep our kids (and yours) busy, while, of course, adding a bit of Disney magic. Each day this week, I'll post an activity that you can do with your kids, and a Disney movie tie-in.

Today's movie is a personal favorite of mine --Up! One of the themes of this movie is that senior citizens sometimes feel lonely or that they no longer have value. We've heard they are the most at-risk population at this time, yet are the least likely to have access to the groceries and toiletries they need. We've also heard that nursing homes are being shut down to visitors in order to protect the residents.

We decided to write letters to a local nursing home in hopes to brighten their day. We addressed the letters to "special friend" so that they may be given to someone who will enjoy our little notes.

Hopefully these special messages will put a smile on the face of someone feeling a bit lonely this week.